
TIME again..


To lead onto the following complicated section regarding Time. Here is another person's observation of the second quake of February 2011 in Christchurch, which is simple and insightful.

Simply, The 18 second quake was said to "go on for an eternity!"

While an unexpected 18 second roller coaster ride may seem long and unwelcome, which you may say lasted an eternity, which of course would be an exaggeration, but maybe this experience seemed longer than expected.

What I want you to consider, did time in some way change at that moment?

Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines

When you fly out from Auckland International airport you will note a poem written on one internal end wall of the terminal's ground floor. It is a description of the future of air travel, which is very stunning considering it was written by Alfred Lord Tennyson in 1865. I found after just a little research, it was regarded as one of his best poems although he wrote many good ones. It is futuristic and very unusual because the topic is the end of the Earth. What intrigued me was the concept of Time so for me to relate it to the Hum I needed to see some connection and this was quickly seen by the following verse, which wasn't from this poem. He wrote‐

"The moan of doves in immemorial elms
And murmuring of innumerable bees."

Both lines refer to a noise or Hum in the air or underground and infers something very large bigger than a flock of doves or a nest of bees. You will understand that he writes of something very mysterious and in the distant past, as time immemorial. You will understand from the proceeding this could suggest Tennyson was describing the Hum and was a hearer of the Hum, though today he would write, "The droan of diesel engines in immemorial carparks and highways."

In his "Locksley Hall" (written 1835, published 1842) and "Locksley Hall sixty years after" (published 1886) you will see a future beyond his historical experience. He writes very cleverly, mainly to obscure, but describes his future experience in such a way that it would be like looking at a picture on the wall but then placing a rotating glass screen in front of it, with some parts of this glass screen being in mirrors and other parts being coloured, some with another picture and some being clear. It is not until you have rotated the screen three or more times e.g. reread it, that you believe you may be seeing the true picture behind and not a reflection of the screen. He has tended to hide the truth whereas some people who foretell the future describe it much more clearly using present day words and knowledge as reference points for events a couple of hundred years before the observed technology exists. This may have been because he wanted to hide it or he didn't understand the technology. By example what happens when you try to describe something well beyond your experiences? How did the Aboriginals or Amazon tribesmen speak about their encounter with gun toting, Jeep driving or helicopter flying visitors? Would Tennyson be any different seeing thousands of years into the future?

Locksley Hall

"..Tis early morn" before the bugle horn, ..My cousin Amy" (Amy is the sun which is now dying), "speak, and speak the truth to me,... On her pallid cheek and forehead came a colour and the lights, as I have seen the rosy red flashing in the northern night... "(the Sun is no longer yellow hot but) "Crimson...Shaken with the sudden storm..." (something) "took up the glass of time, and turned it in his glowing hands; every moment, lightly shaken, ran itself in golden sands... In the dear unhappy night.. for I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be; saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails, pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales; heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a ghastly dew from the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue;... every door is barred with gold, and opens but to golden keys" (this being some most unusual technology) "But the jingling of the Guinea helps the hurt that honour feels, and the nations do not murmur, snarling at each other's heels..." (war is stopped by monetary payments) "And the thoughts of men were widened with the process of the suns" (because time is now limited). "A knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers, and I linger on the shore, and the individual withers, and the world is more and more... Wander far away, from the island unto island at the gateways of the day." (a new Earth is found?) "Larger constellations burning, mellow moons and happy skies, never comes the trader, never floats a European flag... There methinks would be enjoyment more than in this march of mind in the steamship, in the railway, and the thoughts that shake mankind. There the passions cramp'd no longer shall have scope and breathing space; I will take some savage woman, she shall rear my dusky race... and hurl their lances in the sun;..." (Attempts to reignite the sun before leaving?) "mated with a squalid savage- what to me were sun or clime? I the heir of all the ages, and that foremost files of time- I that rather held it better men should perish one by one... not in vain the distance beacons. Forward, forward let us range, let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change... Comes a vapour from the margin, blackening over heath and holt, Cramming all the blast before it, in its breast a thunderbolt..." (The Earth doesn't become an ice planet rather gravity reduces and the lighter elements are pulled of the planet with a roar) "And I go."

Locksley Hall sixty years after.

Returning back to the Earth before the end we see; "gone the fires of youth, the follies, furies, curses, passionate tears, gone like fires and floods and earthquakes of the planet's dawning years. Fires that shook me once, but now to silent ashes fallen away. Cold upon the dead volcano sleeps the gleam of dying day... Beautiful was the death in him, who saw the death, but kept the deck, saving women and their babes, and sinking with the sinking wreck, gone forever!... half the marvels of my morning, triumphs over time and space. Staled by frequent use, shrunk by usage into commonest commonplace... all diseases quenched by science, no man halt, or death or blind; Stronger ever born of weaker, lustier body, larger mind? Earth at last a warless world, a single race, a single tongue-... every grim ravine garden, every blazing deserts till'd, robed in universal harvest up to either pole.. this outworn Earth be dead as yon world the moon? Dead the new astronomer calls her... on this day and at this hour... yet the moonlight is the sunlight and the sun himself will pass." (After the sun went prematurely red it took 60 years for the Earth to die, but why did the Earth and Sun die?) "... forward, backward, backward, forward, in the immeasurable sea, swayed by vaster ebbs and flows than can be known to you or me." (And they leave planet Earth) " ... while the silent heavens roll and the Suns along their fiery way, All their planets whirling round them flash a million miles a day... Far away beyond her myriad coming changes earth will be something other than the wildest modern guess of you and me. Forward then, but still remember how the course of time will swerve, Crook and turn upon itself and many a backward streaming curve... All of the world is ghost to me, and as the phantom disappears, Forward far and far from here as all the hope..." (and what was man like in those days?) "forward, till you see the highest Human Nature is divine. Follow light, and do the Right- for men can half control his doom"

Tennyson was courageous writing his 'Locksley Hall 60 years after', because the Christian fervour of the time was juxtaposed to his thought and writing. One writer notably after his death, said that he wasn't Christian and should never have written this, because of course the Bible says at the end of time God would lift up his servants in rapture, not let them die as the air is ripped off the planet, or to escape to another planet, to mingle and interbreed with alien creatures.

Tennyson also said he spent a lot of time in the future. This is a very unusual comment for anyone to say. He was confident he saw ahead, and as these two poems show he could write with such clarity and imagination, that it is both believable and still unexplainable using current thought and knowledge. No wonder he was raised so highly in the society of his day, and even described as a genius. As I said he wrote to hide his visions deep inside another poem and he did this because he knew it would offend some, if not most. But today there is much less influence from faith and religious knowledge, so maybe now if desired, this can be used for our betterment.

Other writers were less restrained on future events. One scientist writing in 1850, whose name and actual writings I haven't found again, but he was one of the world's leading scientific thinkers and discoverer's, of the stature of Faraday or Lord Kelvin. He wrote describing the future and in a single sentence out of many hundreds of pages, he describes air travel, motorcars, computers, even one that has not yet happened. He describes the following; 'the great scientists would control the weather by digging huge holes in the ground'. I suggest probably for exploding and pushing air upwards to change circulation systems in the planet's atmosphere. For me, to get all previous technologies correct was astounding enough leaving only one to come. Today we can comprehend the last vision due to global warming, and so, he also showed an extraordinary clarity of imagination, or just had prophetic visions into the future. I expect holes will be dug to depths greater than a kilometer which could act like a shot gun or blunderbuss to project air or dust through to the greenhouse level of the atmosphere. This air could create a hole in the green house level to allow hot air to escape and to be cooled above. Therefore depending on the amount of time the hole took to heal would determine whether other holes would be needed in a line. As the planet revolves the atmospheric hole's position would also move in relation to the ground, thereby requiring another burst to keep it open from another position on the planets surface. Alternatively, if they were primarily using dust the dust particles would be projected to a high level to act as a reflector of the sun's heat and thereby cool the lower atmosphere where we live.

Not wanting to push my credibility too far, it is interesting when people see aliens from space, they don't see aliens in rocket ships or flying in planes, they see them in something mankind does not have. That is spherical vessels that float and resist gravity and travel very fast before disappearing. We have no ability to float and resist gravity yet we see things doing it, which is contrary to our current experience. How can this be? We have changed an objects mass to fly yet to see alien things that can only work by changing the gravity portion of Newton's equation. This is extraordinary or something doesn't seem right, or maybe it is correct and we just don't understand it, therefore fear it and fight it. Or, maybe for some to leave for another day to study. However we intend to explore this!

Humans have a love hate relationship with people who can see into the future. They have been given a number of titles which include: prophet, visionary, clairvoyant, psychic, fortune teller, oracle, crystal-gazer, spaewife, seer, soothsayer, sibyl, augur. Tennyson and the great scientist would belong to this group which I will call being able to see visions of the future. The same applies to alien craft which people are more dismissive of, but that ability to dismiss may depend on the personality type one belongs to. All I can say is none of this makes sense without an understanding of time. Time cannot be constant, and so must be changeable and accessible, yet we don't know how, as it is contrary to our present paradigm.

Returning back to the experience of time and earthquakes I recall when still at school aged about 10 years my teacher was complaining that the weekends went too quickly and also the year was going so fast, as was every year. We often think these same thoughts as adults worldwide, are we so wrong in saying this? Yet we know every minute of every day is exactly the same length but yet our experience of time is quite different. On the day of the second big Christchurch earthquake I was amazed to feel Time slow down and that day seemed much longer. Subsequently 7 years later Time is still slower and the weekends do feel to be longer as are the busy work days though they are a bit harder to judge when rushing about. What could this be? I see there must be a connection to Time and the aftermath of an earthquake 1000km away, but what is it? Did the proposed magma flows change in the whole area around New Zealand?

Throughout history there are repetitive occurrences of Time not following the current paradigm. Where people report odd things that don't fit the paradigm. There is much more to Time, and I hope to explain in more detail where Time comes from.

The Hum's affect on the Brain

Another aspect of the infrasound or vibration is the affect on the brain. When you are sound asleep and then woken by the Hum it is intriguing that the mind will suddenly click on and start working without your guidance, and though you will want to stop it and return to sleep any actions to overcome are futile unless the Hum itself reduces or stops. Even partially or completely deaf people suffer from hearing the Hum and that suggests a different experience not related to sound. For me this raised the question, if the Hum were a sound, deafness should exclude it, and also normally sounds do not make the mind start working, how could the Hum do this? It is often easier to sleep through an overhead jet or cars passing by than to sleep through the Hum.

Often just before fully waking, when the Hum is at lower levels of discomfort, an intriguing dreaming state sometimes occurs, often early in the morning. These are not nightmares but rather they are like visions of external events. They may be so vivid and of such intrigue that a good novel could be written about these intriguing and sometimes inspiring events. Extraordinarily these experience led me to reconsider that there was knowledge external to the individual that was available to those subjected to infrasound as these dreams had no basis in the present day.

Emanuel Kant's 'Critique of pure reason' portrays ideas as being external to the individual and a vast societal mind in space. Many people have struggled with his concept, as I did, but it was finally grasped some 18 months after reading it. I concluded that he was mistaken! While I concluded his ideas were incorrect there was the nagging awareness that there were many reports including books and articles concerning non-terrestrial experiences, such as ESP, visions and prophecy that did not fit with the individual being the originator of all their ideas. But with the experience of the Hum I have had to reassess this concept, as Kant's concept seems to have an accuracy that was not expected.

The tool to explore this old yet very real realm of human experience would seem to be related to the brain and infrasound. To explain this more clearly It is seen that if this Hum sound, can at certain vibration levels affect the brain and enable it to reach beyond its normal self, then by inference, by using and projecting these frequencies we can explore the Hum's outcomes when applied on the brain. The brain therefore would be used like an antenna to receive concepts or visions from an external source.

At the time of writing there is very little information about the brain when compared against other bodily organs. We know the physical brain has a structure that is variable in thickness with irregular intrusions, flaps, undulations and crevices. When you consider that in physics, thickness and lengths of certain materials makes them susceptible to different frequency vibrations. The brain has the basis to be affected to various vibrations. Then, with extra blood flow to certain areas would assist these undulations to be tuned to the right frequency and vibrate in sympathy. When tuned a person could then use this as a possible entry to a new experience that is not drug induced. Hence, Kant and Tennyson and others may have been able to do this due to infrasound. It is suggested that by adding this potentially new knowledge to the existing understanding of the brain. The brain is probably more than the guiding structure for the operation of the body but has abilities much larger than normal bodily regulation?

It has been manifest throughout the ages that some people can see into the future, to see events that are about to happen to loved ones, even to foretell one's own death. Religion has spoken of prophecy as a real guide for the believer and that through God's love and help the believer will progress towards a better life. I do not want to critique this belief system too much, as it has been my experience that many very religious people are led astray by their beliefs when they are not based on knowledge or experience. I am firmly convinced that to be Godlike, is to be knowledgeable and searching for understanding, whereas Evilness has its roots in ignorance. My belief system is such that says God is actually much smaller if at all or much further away than most religious people like to profess. It is better to use our abilities and brain rather than just hope or believe. By making God bigger and closer actually prevents an increase in knowledge and wisdom. In the following small study of the brain I am driven to remove the religious aspect from the study of non-terrestrial experiences and concentrate on cause and effect.

The brain in this theory is therefore a tool for wider viewing of the environment or life, possibly even other dimensions. Its principal purpose is to give more ability to the individual and maybe a new window to the universe or ones past and future lifes. The brain may look like a simple non-descript blob but its function is exceptionally complex and possibly reaches into concepts about time, distance, and communication. To study these new concepts requires a certain internal strength and an openness that is not led astray by religiousness. Spiritual concepts are accepted by the wider society as integral to it, especially for those with a religious focus, due to the many thousands of years of their existences. So it has been hard to separate them into a science but there may now be an opportunity with infrasounds.

This problem when viewing the Judaic religious area is that the characters cannot be easily separated. What I mean by the characters is that there's the human everyday aspect, the fallen angel, general angels, and God. Some deem their actions real and will point to some experience or understanding, but whose actions are we looking at. Without a signature from one of those characters we don't know which one is responsible for the action or experience. In a secular society we might add who really cares as there is no God and no angels and therefore it is the individual having a problem. The problem is that religion is alive and well in the world and is unlikely to go away and it has subtle effects. When someone, in a distressed state says, "God told me to do this" we look at them as being quite deranged. It is against our philosophy and pre-concepts and therefore we judge the person to be insane. We have no evidence to say that they are insane or that the voices they heard were not real. Because we do not hear the same voice, we conclude that it is related to the individual and not to an external character. Is the seeing into the future an image or statement passed to a person from an external character or is it an access to the future dimension of the time continuum, or is that persons past or future self being accessed? It is my hope that by studying the human aspect related to infrasound we might remove one more element in this dilemma about time.

Religion has monopolised future time for centuries for its own benefit but maybe we can separate this aspect out. You may have noted that dreams were added in the paper on the cause of the Hum, regarding the questions to be asked of Hum hearers, this was not an oversight but is related to the study of the brain. It will be valuable to use the tools supplied by a secular society and carefully study the effects from infrasound. Care must be taken when projecting infrasound as it is noted to be dangerous to the individual as high energy levels when applied to the brain and body cause health issues and some frequencies may be worse than others. However to ignore this research direction would be wrong because there is something to infrasound and Time that cannot quite be explained.

At this point it would be good idea to go to the TIME page.

(However this page is much more theoretical and physics based.)

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