There is very little understanding about Time. Does it have a source, where does it extend in the universe, is it physical or not. The current paradigm believes time is everywhere and is a priori and therefore beyond analysis. In this page we have questioned the origin of Time and have used observations and experimental results to identify the logical source for Time. We have recognised that Time and Gravity are related but conjecture that Gravity is the field generated by Time. It will be shown that Time can be explained as a physical activity in particular a sound or vibration. When sufficient knowledge is gained regarding the makeup of this sound we could learn to overcome or resist gravity. The paper describes a paradigm shift in thinking about Time, that when understood, should be used to overcome gravity and enable an alternative transport system.
The Conundrum to be solved.
Does Mass control Gravity? We currently talk of gravity controlling objects in the universe and we accept Newton's theory and formula regarding this thing called gravity. The problem that is going to be raised is are we making a genuine observation about a phenomenon, and then developing an incorrect theory due to using the wrong paradigm? To make the task more difficult and add weight of thought to overcome, currently Einstein's theory says that mass creates gravity because of the interaction with 'Space - Time'. The conundrum is highlighted by the Michelson Morley experiment which Einstein attempted to solve by using Relativity.
Can we create a new paradigm to solve the perceived problems and answer more of the unanswered questions?
Does Mass create Gravity?
We will start the Mass-Gravity problem by looking at Newton's writings. Newton lived from 1642 to 1726 and stated, "Hitherto we have called "centripetal" that force by which the celestial bodies are kept in their orbits. It is now established that this force is gravity, and therefore we shall call it gravity from now on. For the cause of the centripetal force by which the moon is kept in it orbit ought to be extended to all the planets."
"All bodies gravitate toward each of the planets, and at any given distance from the centre of any one planet the weight of any body whatever toward that planet is proportional to the quantity of matter which the body contains."
"Therefore the gravity toward the whole planet arises from and is compounded of the gravity toward the individual parts. We have examples of this in magnetic and electric attractions. For every attraction for a whole arises from the attractions towards the individual parts. This will be understood in the case of gravity by thinking of several smaller planets coming together into one and composing a larger planet. For the forces of the whole will have to arise from forces of component parts. If anyone objects that by this law all bodies on our Earth would have to gravitate toward one another, even though gravity of this kind is by no means detected by senses, my answer is that gravity toward these bodies is far smaller than what our senses could detect, since such gravity is to the gravity toward the whole Earth as the quantity of matter in each of these bodies to the quantity of matter in as these bodies to the whole Earth."
"The quantity of matter in the individual planets can also be found. For the quantities of matter in the planets are as the forces at equal distances from the centres; that is, in the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Earth, they are as 1, 1/1067, 1/3021, and 1/169282 respectively." [This is more easily shown by the table below, and looks acceptable and logical until we look at the current values of gravity of the Moon, Planets and Sun .]
Sun | Jupiter | Saturn | Earth | |
Diameter | 10,000 | 997 (1027) | 791 (800) | 109 (90) |
Weight (Mass) | 10,000 | 943 (9.5) | 529 (2.84) | 435 (0.03) |
Density (g/cm3) | 100 | 94.5 (94) | 67 (49) | 400 (391) |
"Therefore the Sun is a little denser than Jupiter, and Jupiter denser than Saturn, and the Earth four times denser than the Sun. For the Sun is rarefied by its great heat. And the moon is denser than the Earth...."
Newton expressed his formula about force and gravity as follows.
Inertial mass x a = F = m x g
Where:- F ‐ is force measured in Newtons
- m ‐ is mass in kilograms kg
- a ‐ is acceleration. Distance/Time2 or m/s2
- g ‐ is gravity, and on Earth = 9.81 m/s2
- F ‐ is force measured in Newtons
Celestial Mass and Gravity
The current presumed facts known about the solar systems Mass and Gravity are shown in the following table.
PLANET | Dia (km) | Mass x E24 (kg) | Gravity | Density (kg/m3) |
Sun | 1,400,000 | 2,000,000.00 | 274.0 | 1410 |
Mercury | 4,878 | 0.33 | 3.78 | 5427 |
Venus | 12,100 | 4.8 | 5.25 | 5243 |
Earth | 12,756 | 5.9 | 9.81 | 5514 |
Moon | 3,476 | 0.07 | 1.6 | 3340 |
Mars | 6,796 | 0.64 | 3.7 | 3933 |
Jupiter | 143,800 | 1899 | 22.9 | 1326 |
Saturn | 120,000 | 568 | 9.0 | 687 |
Uranus | 52,290 | 86 | 7.7 | 1271 |
Neptune | 49,500 | 103 | 11.0 | 1638 |
The table above however shows no relationship between mass and gravity. Why would Saturn at 100 times the Earth mass have less gravity than the Earth, or Mars at one-tenth the Earth have a third of our gravity. Neptune at 20 times the Earth's mass has close to the gravity of the Earth. It should be understood that in saying this we have used a pure acceptance of Newton's formula above and have ignored the correlation with the presumed density from the diameter of the planet and then comparing this resultant figure with the Earth. These figures in the table above are based on F= G x Mass/Radius2 and uses the Earth as our sole known base and presumes gravity comes from the very centre of the planet and that all bodies are like the Earth. The better question may be, is something happening related to density or in the space between the centre of the planet or moon and its surface, that is magma movement?
We will not know much more about gravity until we actually perform the appropriate experiments on each planet or moon before we have conclusive evidence one way or the other. One may say we have done this on the Moon, and you would be correct but this ignores that the Moon is the satellite of the Earth and is affected by 'Earth Time' and its gravity. It will be concluded the Moon will imitate the Earth's Time and have gravity.
For the past two hundred years we have been seeing mass as the base to gravity but it may not be so clear. Newton was making an assumption that mass is the cause of gravity by using and comparing the concept of centripetal force generated from swinging a cannon ball on a rope. As the cannon ball is swung around a person, a force is generated in the chain that the person must overcome. The force in the chain is related to the mass at the end of the chain, so the larger the mass the greater the centripetal force and greater the strength required from the person. Newton just accepts this experience without question, therefore he assumes the planets must also have mass and the force that holds them in orbit around the Sun is centripetal force which he is now calling gravity. Likewise the planets with their moons must act in the same way so they too must have mass and be held by this invisible chain called gravity.
Newton promotes the concept that any mass will have gravity but at no point does he guide us on when gravity starts in a mass. If all celestial bodies had gravity shouldn't they all be spherical? Many objects are clearly not spherical so at what point does gravity become large enough to reshape a celestial body. We may suspect that a large object has broken up by being impacted by another object, but when did this impact occur? Was the impact in the last few years or at the start of the universe? If gravity was operating since the impact millions or perhaps billions of years ago we should see cracks and fissures as parts of the celestial body move into place, to make the body spherical, similar to scrunching up paper into a ball. We can also add that without having the opportunity to go beyond the Earths gravity, especially from the poles, we am not aware of small pieces of matter gravitating toward each other in space when outside the gravity effect of the Earth or Sun. Objects will probably collide just like billiard balls and will not stick together with a force such as with magnetic or electrical or gravitational force as Newton states.
It is concluded there is insufficient supporting evidence to maintain the claim that mass is the single cause of gravity. It may be more, what kind of mass determines gravity.
Time is Everywhere?
Time is a difficult subject to discuss because we cannot see, feel, or hear it. We all talk about time, as in 2 o'clock or yesterday and tomorrow and perceive that it has a direction, which is only forwards. We do not know where it comes from, yet science often talks about the arrow of time. The archer who shot the arrow is no longer around to be seen, yet where did the arrow come from, was it from the East, West, North or South?
Some even suggest that time is only a psychological manifestation because when you close your eyes and don't move, or are placed in dark prison cell, movement is no longer seen and there are no objects to compare against in space. When something hits you, one may become painfully aware of change within the body, however this experience is still within the body and not external, apart from the object that hit you. As this object came towards you it couldn't be tracked with your eyes closed, so time is still excluded from your experience. This is one reason time is thought to be related to the observer?
Emanuel Kant lived 1724 to 1804 and is often seen as the original thinker about Time but his writings were very hard to understand even by his countrymen. He wrote saying "In the transcendental aesthetic (a thing not based upon experience) we shall, therefore, first isolate sensibility, by taking away from everything which the understanding thinks through its concepts, so that nothing may be left save empirical intuition. Secondly, we shall also separate off from that everything, which belongs to sensation, so that nothing may remain except pure intuition and the mere form of appearances, which is all that sensibility can supply a priori. It will be found that there are two pure forms of sensible intuition, serving as principles of a priori knowledge, namely, space and time." "Hence it follows that an a priori, and not empirical intuition underlies all concepts of space. For kindred reasons, geometrical propositions, that, for instance, in a triangle two sides together are greater than the third, can never be derived from the general concepts of line and triangle, only from intuition, and this indeed a priori, with apodeictic (capable of demonstration) certainty."
Kant states, "Time is not an empirical concept that has been derived from any experience. For neither coexistence nor succession would ever come within our perception, if the representation of time were not presupposed as underlying them a priori. Only on the presupposition of time can we represent to ourselves a number of things as existing at one and the same time (simultaneously) or as at different times (successively). Time has only one dimension, different times are not simultaneous but successive (just as different spaces are not successive but simultaneous). "..The fact that any knowledge about motion is possible shows that we understand time without having to experience it."
We conclude from what Kant states when using this logic, that, time is throughout the universe and is always active. We do know it is active on the Earth and presume it is active further out as we see planets move around the Sun in units of time. This was how Kepler came to his conclusions when he measured the areas described between the Sun and the planet in relation to time. The problem is we need to find a boundary condition that shows time is not everywhere to discredit Kant and show Time is not a priori. By finding a boundary condition we would then be free to develop a better theory and another theory or paradigm to replace this old paradigm. This boundary condition will not be related to personal intuition, as there will be no independent verifiable method available for this, rather the most likely place will be related to velocity. Velocity is an external phenomenon and can be checked by different individuals using reliable technology.
Einstein developed the concept of time further along the same well-trod path taken by his predecessor's, and did not deviate from time being throughout the universe. Einstein lived from 1879 to 1955 and was moved to write, as a result of the Michelson and Morley findings, his theory of relativity. He tried to explain this unusual result by using relativity, and from that starting point he found some interesting insights just as Newton did with gravity. However Einstein's important weakness was the use of the speed of light in a vacuum using Earth time. Einstein developed or furthered the concept of 'space-time' and said mass controlled gravity in a similar way a mass on a rubber mat distorts the mat and hence the mass creates gravity. If we do find a boundary condition we may find Einstein made assumption with regards to space and time and thereby made mistakes with gravity?
The Problems to Solve to understand Time and Gravity.
Maxwell's laws
The first problem we have with the speed of light is summarized as follows. "Currently there is a serious problem with Galilean, Newtonian and Einsteinium space-time not being compatible with Maxwell's laws of electrodynamics and optics. The source of this problem is the appearance of a 'constant speed' as a fundamental constant of nature, and that the speed of light is automatically built into laws of electromagnetism and optics. It turns out that if the speed of light were infinite then there would be no conflict between Galileo's space-time and Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism and optics", this was sourced from Rob Salgado. For time to be at once, a constant and infinite speed doesn't make sense. For this to occur time would have to be flexible such that it could be changed that is slowed down or sped up. Otherwise, if that weren't possible with time, then space that is distance, would need to be reduced so that the speed of light could travel long distances more quickly even to infinite speed. Presently this looks impossible with the paradigm we are using where time and space are everywhere and unchanging, and the speed of light is constant.
The Michelson and Morley Experiment (1887)
The second problem with time or we should say the speed of light problem is further compounded by Michelson and Morley who famously performed a scientific experiment that was meant to identify the relative speed of light on the moving Earth through the ether, but failed. They created an experiment where a beam of light was split, one in the direction of the Earth's travel and the other at right angles to this movement. It should have shown a difference in arrival times due to the movement of the Earth. It actually showed that there was no absolute motion of the Earth relative to the light source. It didn't matter what direction the beam of light was pointing the result remained the same. This meant that firstly the Earth did not move, which is obviously wrong, and that light travelled at the same speed no matter what speed the observer was travelling at, which also contradicts geometric theory, using vectors. The Earth is both rotating and revolving around the Sun. The greatest speed is the speed of the Earth traveling around the Sun so this is an important vector of motion. When the vector around the Sun is added to the speed of light in that direction this should be considerably greater than the speed of light travelling at right angles. Therefore one beam must be much quicker than the other. This obvious inconsistency in the result is we suspect the boundary condition we a looking for.
The maximum speed of light on Earth
The third problem, which is accepted by the author, is that light does not travel faster than c=300,000 km/s on the Earth and can therefore be seen as a constant for the Earth. It is further accepted that electrons can be accelerated close to the speed of light but never faster, even when using our very best equipment. we don't expect this to change in the future, because light is travelling in the Earth's time environment.Travelling faster than light
The fourth problem provided is a logic test which states that when you have a spacecraft with infinite fuel you should be able to travel at any speed even one greater than the speed of light. But the current theory says nothing can go faster than 'c' the speed light. Therefore it is currently thought the spacecraft cannot do this, or is restrained by some hidden force? Some say the mass would become infinite in weight and so would begin to gravitate and so collapse the spacecraft?Observed Reductions of Gravity on Earth
Our input to those seemingly unsolvable problems about the speed of light; a mass generating gravity; and time being everywhere, started when we had been studying infrasound vibrations of a geological nature for a number of years. We discovered that when certain infrasound vibrations were active the force of gravity reduced as a result of these vibrations being present. This was a very unexpected observation, and because we were not prepared for such a thing we could not replicate it. We also lacked equipment and a certain practical knowledge about electricity to do what was required. So without the ability to do further testing it just lay outside our research and definitely outside the current understanding of gravity. We could not disbelieve the observation as we saw it as a real event even though it conflicted with the current knowledge and our paradigm. From our research we saw that there were probably three vibrations involved and these were not related to any man-made vibrations. We suspected, with sufficient electrical knowledge they could be identified and replicated but this was outside our knowledge set.
David Deming in his research paper on the Hum stated something similar happening. He reports: In Kokomo, Indiana, residents reported seeing dead tree leaves move for no apparent reason. Truck driver Billy Kellems says there are days when he can sit on his back patio and watch dead leaves dance on the ground, cracking and popping like butter in a skillet (Albrecht, 2002: A-1). Obviously leaves don't leave the ground without the wind or a reduction of gravity.
We had two options the first was to ignore the observation, or the second was to investigate and try to understand what might be causing this conflict with the accepted paradigm. The question soon became how does one go about researching this observation without assistance and without creating infrasound vibrations to match the observations? We were stuck. The next best option was to develop a theory and search for other occasions where other people had also reported a reduction in gravity. If there were other examples they would thereby give further independent evidence and maybe would shed further light on a common instigator to support my observation. Then others would see an issue and become interested.
We could think of few other occasions that suggested gravity on Earth could be lowered or stopped through a vibration. The first example was the religious sect that levitates by humming using the word Ommmmmm. Though we hadn't seen this at the time, others had and it suggested to me, and we had to be liberal in our assessment, it may be real and not a trick. But now with the power of the Internet, we discovered some interesting video, one of which was on the June 2013 TV program called "America's got talent". This video showed an American gentleman in his 30's standing with a wooden walking stick and making humming noises from his mouth and nose. The first reaction from the judges and audience was what the hell is this? and the first of the three judges immediately gave him a cross to exit. The other judges waited a little longer and then instantly this person pulled up his legs in a lotus position and floated in the air above the stage. The audience was stunned as were the judges, so the judge that gave the X removed it as he was so impressed, and so this gentleman moved forward to the next round.
We have assumed when inserting this experience the judges and audience would have known if the stage had been set up for him to do a magic act, as they were sitting there all the time vetting contestants. But all there were was a man a walking stick and a stage, and no other props. Some magic tricks are amazing but my interest is related to vibration and antigravity. In life if something were not possible we would not be able to even comprehend it being done, but because both sound and vibration are inferred it became of interest. This matched my experience of infrasound and so it is considered worthy of inclusion. Some may say this gentleman used a hidden seat from his walking stick, but this answer suggests a lack of knowledge about gravity and the turning moments from his weight being eccentric to the walking stick and therefore makes no sense, as he would fall over.
The second occasion concerned a news item in Scotland in the 1970's, where a farmer discovered in a remote part of his farm a large piece of grass and dirt, of about 10m diameter, ripped out of the ground and moved many metres away in one whole piece. Though one can be critical and suggest animal involvement or an April fools trick it did make headlines around the world. The reason this is included is that we could see similarity with the geological infrasound we had been studying and not an animal or human cause. A geological infrasound similar to my experience could occur anywhere so it made it worthy of inclusion in the examples. A farmer would not be easily fooled and no April fools joke would last long with the media looking on, so we will let it remain.
The third occasion was remembered from a book probably seen on TV where a group of people walking on a lawn in England suddenly floated into the air. we recalled that there was a sudden shout from one of the group that alerted the others who came running. The occurrence was described in this book through a drawing. One or two people could walk into the spot and would then be lifted off the ground as had happened with the first person. They could walk in and out at will without harm and return to earth on the other side. After a while the spot disappeared and they were able to walk through with no changes in their weight.
The final occasion is documented in the Bible where by blowing on horns the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. Of course this was attributed to God helping, but why did sound make a difference. If they were so loved by god surely they would need only to point to them and wish them to fall down? But this was not the requirement as they had to encircle the walls and start playing. we suggest that the sound lowered gravity on the stone blocks and with the aid of boulders being flung at the walls the impact caused the stones to dislodge and come tumbling down.
To overcome gravity we currently use an opposing acceleration 'a' against mass and this is understood by using Newton's formula: Inertial mass x a = F = m x g. If you wish to reduce a force you must either reduce mass or gravity. It is important that you notice that gravity is made up of space and time (Distance/Time2 or m/s2). If you were able to change time you would change gravity and therefore the mass or weight would change as would distance, along with the resultant force. For a geological infrasound or an Ommmmm noise to be effective against gravity it must be changing something in this formula. It is accepted that space or distance did not change and mass could not change leaving only time that was changed.
The unexpected answer to our problem is that a vibration affected time, but for a vibration to alter time, must mean that time is also a vibration. Either, we accept Newton's formula should be used, and recognize that time is integral with it. Or, his formula is poorly described or wrong and time cannot be changed or affected. This is an unexpected result and lies well outside the current physics thinking and paradigm so becomes the most important aspect to be explored.
Development of the Theory
Without the small idea of a vibration changing time we would still have the same problem that everyone else has had. Currently there is nothing that combines all these theories and facts into a coherent explanation. There is also no feeling to where boundaries to the previously mentioned theorists may have applicability. We consider all theories to have boundaries so to disagree with Kant we need to show where there is a boundary condition for Time. If there is a boundary condition then time is not a priori. Also, how can Maxwell be correct yet experiments show light has a constant speed? There must be a boundary condition or else there is something seriously wrong with facts and theory.
Time in Outer Space and the Origin of Time
The best place to start to solve this mystery is with the Michelson and Morley experiment, as it is the one experiment that stands out in regards to boundary conditions. To understand this boundary condition we must comprehend where time plays a role with the experiment, and where Time emanates from.
There are three possible ways to understand Time, apart from Time popping out of nothing. One is that Time is a fixed point in space, and objects pass through these points and so experience Time. Secondly, Time is a moving wave that objects are affected by as they pass through the wave. The third is Time is not in space but only on Earth. Explanation one and two are not liked much because it presupposes time is everywhere and that conflicts with Michelson and Morley's result where the Earth didn't move. If Time were outside of the Earth then the velocity vectors should work with their experiment and the Earth would be seen to be moving.
When theories get complicated and end in nonsense results it usually points to a problem. The problem may be, that we have taken an Earthly and personal concept called time and tried to force it into outer space, but it just doesn't seem to fit there. If time were not in outer space, then as the Earth revolved around the Sun it didn't move through time, there would be no external vector of velocity to add. Nor would there be stationary points in space of time or points emitting time waves. This would solve our problem and would mean Kant was wrong about time being everywhere. But there are still problems as Time still has a direction of travel from today to tomorrow and time does seem to have a beat, which a wave concept could fit into. And Time doesn't go backwards and by inference could have an origin but the origin is not reachable.
If we accept that time is a wave and it causes a beat just as a clock ticks we still have no knowledge about where the beat emanates from or where the clock sits. But there has to be an origin for any phenomenon including time especially if it is not an a priori intuition. So to understand more about Michelson and Morley's experiment and to find an origin for time, lets do our own experiment and consider an object in space moving in relation to a light source. This object is at the mid point between three widely spaced galaxies in a very sparsely populated region of the universe. We will imagine time flows as a wave and starts from some yet unknown origin in space.
When at this spot in the universe, let the circle represent the spreading of a light signal from point 0 during the first second. During the same second, an observer moves the distance V to the left, so that relative to the light signal they should have travelled to the left only a distance of C-V, but to the right as much as C+V relative to the light ring on the right hand side. As you will see this is based upon vectors and relativity and is mathematically correct when using a light ring with a constant velocity. However, when we break down the velocity formula we find that it has distance divided by time (d/t2). So we now must ask where is time, in this space between these three galaxies. If we assume that at this spot there are no forces acting, no gravity emanating from the galaxies, and no near attractive or repulsive force from any other object seen or unseen, and no changing temperature that occurs in a unit of time. Then by removing all those actions we have removed all the known laws that incorporate other time sources and leaves only velocity and our observer in this place. This will leave a pure form of time related to velocity only and maybe then we can see which direction time is coming from?

If time were traveling as a wave from the left to the right, the opposite direction of the observer's travel, the vectors would work. However, you could expect the light ring on the right hand side of the circle to be slower than the left as it moves away but eventually gets caught by the time wave, and therefore not circular. If the observer moved now in the opposite direction to the right of point O the actual velocity would also be slower because there would seem to be a greater distance between the time wave beats or crests, even if the observer was really traveling at the same velocity as before. Obviously there is a problem with this scenario. It also makes no difference if the time wave were coming from the right hand side then moving to the left of the light ring, the result would still be the same.
There is only one other direction left for the wave to be coming from now. If the time wave were going through the page, either up or down that is at right angles to the page, the movement of the observer whether going left or right, would give a good result and the light ring would also be circular. So, the vertical direction for time's origin becomes the best analogy for time in this picture. However, as we will quickly realize the observer in space could move in any direction, including up and down, causing failures in the experiment. Time can't be travelling in every direction at once because this doesn't make sense and puts even more doubt on time being in outer space.
Now, when we use the same concepts and apply them to the Michelson and Morley's experiment on the Earth we have an interesting finding. If we firstly use the same observer and light ring on Earth and assume time is coming through the page, that is from the ground up towards us we then start to see something interesting. We see the equations are correct and the circle is a true circle and not misshapen in any way. With the Michelson and Morley's experiment the planet Earth can be rotating around the Sun and we immediately see this external vector of the Earth's solar rotation has no value when time originates only from the Earth and not in outer space. The only logical conclusion is that time does come from the centre or the surface of the Earth and it will also be understood you cannot go back in time as you would need to travel through the ground to the centre of the Earth. Going back in time is then not possible and so also reflects experience.
When you look at the physical experiment by Michelson and Morley you understand that the equipment was sitting on the ground and the light is split parallel to the grounds surface. As the light beam travels it moves through time, which is emanating from the centre of the Earth. This makes it possible that the experiment can be done anywhere on the Earth and at any orientation and still will give the same result. A circulating Earth around the Sun does not interfere with time, as time is only radiating from the Earth and is not originating in outer space. With time being local there is no vector for the Earth moving around the Sun. Also when time is an experience and a phenomena that is local it can also be experienced by people and understood by using ones memory and by measuring motion. But is contrary to what Kant describes as time as it will not be a priori, as time is only local on the Earth, and not outside in space! This is really important as we have now found and described the boundary condition that conflicts with Kant's logic and does match with experiment.
Having proved that time emanates from the Earth and not somewhere in space, we then must ask what is this thing inside the Earth that causes time? As we have shown by the table on the planets it is not mass so it must be something else? We do know within the Earth's interior, below the crust there is a mantle of magma and this is surrounding a very hot liquid core. You may recall that infrasound is observed or assumed to occur in conjunction with the examples where gravity is reduced, so is the Earth generating an infrasound, and is this sound creating time, which another infrasound can counteract?
Before continuing on one may ask, haven't we seen that two masses do attract each other as was proven by the Cavendish Experiment? This experiment successfully showed a small mass being attracted to another much larger mass on the Earth. The apparatus constructed by Cavendish was a torsion balance made of a six-foot (1.8 m) wooden rod suspended from a wire, with a 2-inch (51 mm) diameter 1.61-pound (0.73 kg) lead sphere attached to each end. Two 12-inch (300 mm) 348-pound (158 kg) lead balls were located near the smaller balls, about 9 inches (230 mm) away, and held in place with a separate suspension system. The experiment measured the faint gravitational attraction between the small balls and the larger ones. Since the gravitational force of the Earth on the small ball could be measured directly by weighing it, the ratio of the two forces allowed the density of the Earth to be calculated, using Newton's law of gravitation. This of course would appear to contradict our contention that mass by itself does not have a gravitational force, that is, until you look carefully at the experiment. The aspect to note is that the equipment was rigidly and firmly sitting on the ground not floating in air or in outer space which means it was at all moments in contact with the time vibration emanating from the Earth. This vibration being carried from the ground; through the floor; through the frame and down the suspension wires into the masses. So having this vibration in the structure and balls the balls like all masses on Earth will gravitate. So while it seems right to conclude that all masses attract on Earth, it certainly is not proven that mass alone creates gravity when time is incorporated into the experiment. The time vibration would have to be excluded and the masses would therefore need to be outside the Earth's or any gravity field.
Sound and Gravity
Sound is a vibration that is carried through a media. Some media such as the air has a characteristic that when a sound passes through it attenuates and eventually is lost at the inverse square of distance from the source. Sound travels very well through rock and magma with much less attenuation than through the air. Gravity also attenuates like sound in air at the inverse square of distance but it can travel through space whereas sound does not. Our observations of gravity reductions have connected infrasound with gravity. The infrasound was from the Earth but was felt as a vibration, and when this vibration was active it resulted in a reduction in gravity. The interior of the planet is active as is seen through volcanic eruptions which means magma must be moving and therefore making noises. The noises from the interior are usually in the infrasound range and are well below normal human hearing. There must be something special about this infrasound as normal sound cannot go into outer space, so does it change as it moves past the solid exterior of the Earth? To solve this problem we propose that sound from the Earth is the action and gravity is the field that it produces. This analogy is similar to an electrical current which when moving through a wire it generates a field around it. This analogy enables the gravity field just like the electrical field to be active in space where there is no solid media and therefore has value in the theory.
Magmatic and Volcanic activity of the Sun and Planets.
We have noted that the planets do not correspond to Newton and Einstein's proposition regarding gravity. Centripetal force, which they both relied upon, does generate a force but we have shown it is not useful with the current knowledge regarding the known gravity values on each planet. When the known signs of volcanic activity are compared on each of the planets, we cannot tell how active the core of each planet is without travelling to them. It is acknowledged that the magma movement in the Earth is very active, and apart from several small moons in the solar system we would seem to have one of the most active planets in the solar system, except maybe for the hidden Jupiter.
PLANET | Dia (km) | Mass x E24 (kg) | Gravity | Magmatic & Volcanic Activity |
Sun | 1,400,000 | 2,000,000 | 274.0 | Boiling hot |
Jupiter | 143,800 | 1,899 | 22.9 | Likely to be higher |
Neptune | 49,500 | 103 | 11.0 | Likely to be high |
Earth | 12,756 | 5.9 | 9.8 | Highly active |
Saturn | 120,000 | 568 | 9.0 | Likely to be high |
Uranus | 52,290 | 86 | 7.7 | Likely to be high |
Venus | 12,100 | 4.8 | 5.25 | Recent |
Mercury | 4,878 | 0.33 | 3.78 | Old signs |
Mars | 6,796 | 0.64 | 3.7 | Recent signs |
Moon | 3,476 | 0.07 | 1.6 | None |
How should we look at the geological infrasound noises that are reducing gravity as explained in our personal observation and relate them to magma? We understand the Earth has an active core with a mantle of magma flowing that will at times breaks free in a volcano eruption. The Earth does produce magma flows under the crust without eruptions and they may cause earthquakes unrelated to known fault lines. Gravity is reasonably constant over the Earths surface, which suggests the magma flows in the mantle average out to be relatively constant at the Earth's surface. However flows will not be constant as shown by volcanic activity where there is more pressure than usual. With some flows as they approach the underside of the crust they may become affected by anomalies such as other flows or irregularities in the shape of the underside of the crust. As they hit they rub and bang against either the other flows or the crust. As this magma moves it also generate its own vibrations that may counteract the greater Time vibration of the Earth, and thereby reduce gravity for a short period. Any experiments such as the Cavendish experiment will pick up variations on the surface of the Earth and so will show a slightly different mass for the Earth at different locations.
For a person who is Ommmming they themselves set up a vibration inside their body, which with luck may be an antithesis to the active cores Time vibration, and thereby reduce their weight. For the Ommmming person it would also suggest that maybe one vibration is occurring, and that this may be sufficient to do a large amount of work to counteract gravity. At this moment it will be realised we have conclusively proved my point, but because of our educational training this will be destabilising.
Implications to understanding the Source of Time.
When a celestial body such as the Earth has a Time vibration that causes gravity, which we experience as an Earth directed force. We conclude that without this vibration there is no gravity. As the 'Time infrasound vibration', which turns into gravity, moves away from the surface it reduces until at some point the vibration is no more and gravity stops. The expectation is the wave continues to have the same period between wave crests but as it moves away the amplitude reduces. This would mean there is less energy in the wave. The corresponding view is that as gravity stops far from the Earth so must time, meaning beyond this point, no time exists.
There are two important physical laws that come to our attention when Time is a vibration that emanates from the Earth. The first is the law of thermodynamics and the second is Newton's formula about force from gravity as shown above. Thermodynamics requires a change in temperature (delta T), which means a first observation at time 1 and a subsequent measurement at time 2. The scientific research to date shows that space has a temperature close to 0 degree Kelvin, that is when away from a sun. This temperature is deemed not to change rather it is constant and we see this further confirms that without a change in temperature the laws of thermodynamics do not apply and Time is not present. Thermodynamics on the Earth does incorporate time. When time is removed it would be possible to take a material from ambient temperature to say 1000 degree C instantly using the right 'Time infrasound vibration'. Likewise it would be possible to freeze water instantly. This kind of transformation would be useful in some industrial applications, such as, many steel processes are presently constrained due to time. We don't want to elaborate further on the law of thermodynamics but raise it to show the impact this theory may have on other spheres of knowledge.
By using this theory it leads to the following proposed alteration to Newton's formula:
- F = m . d/time2
Which could easily be rewritten:
F = m . d/V2
Where V is the infrasound wave vibration of time. However this ignores the complexity seen in the observations where three waves are involved, so should be rewritten in the form of:
Substituting: time2 with (V1+V2+V3)2
Where V = Earth's average infrasound vibrating frequency with appropriate voltage and energy at any single point on the Earth's surface.
While this formula now corresponds to the value of gravity it does not reflect the alteration required to modify time to either increase or decrease its value. Therefore, by adding a negating 'Time infrasound vibration' will make the sum approach 0. It should be noted that the next formula relates only to travel close to the Earth, because when moving in outer space this problem disappears as time drops to zero and any movement of an object will be instantaneous. We now evolve the equation such that:
time2 = (aV1 + bV2 + cV3 )2
Where a, b, c = added 'Time infrasound vibrating frequency' with appropriate voltage and energy.
When the formula is rewritten it becomes:
F = m . d / (aV1 + bV2 + cV3 )2
We also observe that when time is a vibration we see nothing has really changed for most scientific findings done in the past on the Earth. The mind still senses the progression of time vibrations but we now understand it to be coming from the ground, not from some hidden source. The mind still senses yesterday's vibration and todays and concludes tomorrows will come. We still can calculate the motion of an object but realize now it is should be seen differently, even though most results are the same. Nothing has changed for the human experience on Earth but our knowledge has increased in outer space and our future experiments will therefore be more accurate and discerning where time is involved.
With our newly found theory of Time we have a new starting point where Time is not a valid experience somewhere just beyond the Earth's gravity. With it we should be able to grow the concept about Time to the galaxy level and beyond.
When we try to understand what our galaxy looks like we look at other galaxies and assume our Galaxy has a very bright centre related to considerable sun activity or coalesced suns and therefore a large gravity force due to the vibrations it produces. This gravity force in spiral galaxies for some reason rotates and causes the stars that it captures or creates, to swirl around the centre. From observation it can be accepted that if gravity were continuous, and lost no power over those great distances, you would expect a limitless size to a galaxy as they continue to draw more matter towards them. But they don't extend forever, as galaxies are finite and move independently of each other. Therefore, it can be accepted that gravity at a Galaxy's edge has been reduced to zero.
The common factor between our Solar system and a Galaxy is that gravity around them has a flat disc shape to them, similar to a coin or plate but with a bump in the centre. For the Sun, the planets do not revolve around in a spherical shape like a ball but actually in a very flat disc like shape. A spiral galaxy also follows the same pattern and it could be concluded that they work with the same principles. This shape is based on the gravity that emanates from a large and active centre. Further it can be postulated that at the edge of the galaxy, time would stop. This time is not Earth Time but Galaxy Time and they will be different. Likewise the Sun produces gravity and therefore there is Sun Time, and this is different to Earth Time and Galaxy Time. It will be understood that this time effect is negligible between say our Sun and the nearest star unless the two gravity disc shapes are aligned edge on. It will normally not be aligned or close enough to interact with the other sun and for our present purposes could be deemed that gravity will be zero between the two stars. For two nearby galaxies the amount of gravity between them will also be negligible so we will also deem that gravity in this space between them is also zero.
When comparing this part of the theory to other writers we have found that Mr Herapath has similarities, but for him it fell apart when the temperature of the ground did not correlate to his theory. Mr Herapath described how the motion of gases could explain many physical processes on the Earth, that is, when you accept the Earth is a gas body with a skin over it. With regard to gravity he postulated that the value of gravity would be greater on the equator than at the poles. This fitted nicely with the observed motions of the planets following a definite disk shaped orbit around the Sun. However when he suggested temperatures to be taken at various positions on the Earth, including under water the results were wrong, and this destroyed his theory. However, if you took temperatures, vibrations or magma flow rates below the crust the results might be just what he predicted.
The Real Speed of Light and how fast a Space Craft can Travel at.
This theory has real impact when considering the speed of light between the nearest star and us on Earth. When there is no gravity between the two, there is no time between, and light must travel instantly between the two. It can be expected that as a light sent from Earth enters the gravity of the star it will begin to slow, until at the stars surface where gravity is greatest the light's speed will be something other than c=300,000km/s. Alternatively if we then take the speed of light coming from a distant galaxy to the Earth we would expect with no gravity between to interrupt it, it will travel instantly between, until it hits the Sun's and Earth's gravity, or as you will understand, the Sun's or Earth's time wave. It is at this point we discover that the speed of light is now flexible or as Maxwell predicted infinite in speed. You will also realize we have provided another proof that fits the current theories and we have combined seemingly separate concepts and shown both that the speed of light is 'c' on the Earth and infinite in space.
A spacecraft with infinite amounts of fuel can now reach and exceed the speed of light so another proof is also given. This vehicle will accelerate and eventually travel considerably faster than the Earth's speed of light and there is no thought or mass barrier involved in restricting our thinking. Logic prevails and we come to a correct answer to, what speed objects in space can travel at?
When astronauts fly to the edge of our galaxy and then want to travel to another particular galaxy the astronauts would be able to travel great distances in no time. It would be as though they were merely at a smear mark on the fabric of the galaxy, and distance that is space would, with the right propulsion unit, not be an issue or a concept to concern them. We intuitively accept using visual senses that we could move between galaxies with a good spacecraft, but by using this theory it would be done exceedingly quickly using a small amount of energy, as time does not control us at this position. Space also becomes smaller and manageable and for the first time we start to see a contradiction to Kant regarding space. Space may still be a priori but it is much smaller with time gone. Newtons formula also says if time is zero distance divided by 0 is also 0. One would however need to repel against the gravity of our galaxy to generate the required movement and the repelling force would have to be a negating 'Time infrasound vibration' of the right shape. Interestingly, if you wished to travel to a star on the opposite side of our Galaxy it would be more practical not to travel in a straight line through the galaxy but rather to travel at right angles above our Galaxy so as to clear the Galaxy's gravity or time, and travel in clean space to a point above the desired star and then travel back through galactic gravity or time again to the star. The time to travel this great distance over the Galaxy would potentially be only the sum of the time up and the time down!
Changes to a few Laws
Having shown that the speed of light varies and the shape of galaxies and our solar systems are not spherical, and that mass does not create gravity, it is opportune to now reassess the laws proposed by Galileo and Newton.
Galileo's law of gravitation
- Heavy objects fall as fast as light objects
- (Acceptable with this theory only in a Gravity environment)
Newton's law of gravitation
- Every object attracts every other object by virtue of them having mass.
- (Not acceptable with this theory as attraction is related to a vibrating body)
- An object twice the mass will attract other objects with twice the force.
- (Not acceptable with this theory as the first objects must have twice the vibration activity)
- An object twice as far away will attract other objects with one-fourth the force.
- (Not completely acceptable with this theory as it presupposes a spherical field)
- Heavy objects fall as fast as light objects
How to Overcome Gravity and then build a useful Vehicle
The value of this theory is that when the right combinations of 'Time infrasound vibrations' are put together it will be possible to overcome gravity. The first step in achieving this goal is to first identify the 'Time infrasound vibrations' that are important and then achieve levitation of a mass such that it stays stationary above the ground with only air between it and the ground. The second step is to propel this mass away from the Earth's gravity.
The first objection to this kind of activity will be the current paradigm. Due to a natural resistance to change, this new approach will have some difficulty as it is already accepted that this is impossible, more like a magic trick, and since time is actually everywhere in the universe, it will not work. The challenge is not small, but It is seen the potential gains to be considerable and therefore worthwhile to test. It will be easily understood by most that the dream of low energy fast intergalactic travel would be upon us, and this will be the most valuable outcome.
The first stage in testing involves a box or sphere made of just about any material large enough to hold a sound system to generate the necessary sounds. We propose the sound will be modulated using external controls so that the operator will not be in contact with the box or sphere. Under the box or sphere there will be placed a ram that will be triggered when the sound is operating so if the test frequency is correct it will impart an upward motion. The problem is, if the sound is correct the loss of gravity will not be seen as the box or sphere may have no weight but it stays sitting on the test bed. Using the ram to impart an upward force it will be more obvious that the box or sphere is lighter than expected. The other advantage to this assembly is that frequencies can be changed quickly rather than picking one frequency then testing then changing to a new frequency that is only 1 or 2 Hz or less different. Without knowing the exact frequency before starting it is important that all frequencies are tested until the correct one or correct combination of 3 or 4 frequencies are found. We say 4 here because the concept of temperature on Earth may have an effect. To assist with the research it would be useful to try and measure the frequencies that are generated by the Earth or a levitating person, as this will speed up the research.
Starting the process of development requires certain people and funding. To ascertain the correct vibration to gain levitation will require one or two specialist sound engineers or scientists. Once they have the right equipment to generate a modulated signal they will produce a basic signal that allows the object to overcome gravity. It is considered this will not be too difficult to do and we estimate that approximately 6 months full-time work by these people and myself will generate a good result. We assume that the equipment is relatively easy to source or manufacture, as the sound needs only to be within a certain range of approximately 50 or so Hertz. However, it will be complicated by the need to have several signals operating at once. The costs excluding salaries should be no more than about $80,000, and for this small cost, proof will be found of the validity of the theory.
Next it is envisaged that a certain prototype craft shape is created such that a sound can be generated from within it to replicate Time and the repelling vibration to give motion. By using a suitable speaker and amplifier developed from the first stage, the correct arrangement of vibrations would be transferred through the speaker into the mass and thereby vibrate and levitate the whole mass. Creating the type of equipment that is not reliant upon cabling from an external source will be the first barrier to overcome to do this. Contact with the Earth will probable add more frequencies that could be detrimental to the sound so the craft will need to be isolated as much as possible. The prototype craft will now be levitating above the ground only with air between the prototype craft and the ground. Once this is mastered the 2nd step is to create the corresponding negative force to push against gravity. Our current thought is related to my research, that, by using electrical current on the exterior surface of the prototype craft will create the appropriate negating vibrations. The sound vibration may still be present from the speakers but this would be a secondary propulsion unit. The primary propulsion unit will be by way of electricity. However, to provide the electricity required, an energy source would need to be provided so that the prototype craft is not reliant upon any Earth based energy. The use of batteries would be useful as a starting point but this is only a temporary solution, as long-distance travel cannot rely upon recharging of batteries.
The production of a prototype craft will be much more difficult and time-consuming. The first step will be to build a basic shape with suitable materials to allow the electrical current to push against gravity. This stage gets the basic principles together so that a future vehicle can be designed and built. Considerable testing is needed for this stage as this is now beyond our current knowledge but we consider 1-2 years for say 2 scientist and 3 or 4 engineers will achieve this goal. The cost excluding salaries could be about $10 million.
Next the vehicle design/build stage such that 1 or 2 people can safely occupy comes next. We need to provide the sound so that the vehicle can first levitate, and this will preferably be done by emitting the sound into at least 2 pipes, but preferably 4 pipes, taken from the centre of the vehicle through S bends and into an air cavity between the exterior surface and an interior cabin surface. There will be two hulls such that the sound will then affect the whole exterior of the vehicle leaving the interior soundproof and quiet. Initially battery technology will be used to provide the energy needed to be sent to the exterior hull surface. This energy requirement will be very high and we expect many kilovolts of energy is required to energise the vehicle. The long term energy source would have to be some form of nuclear energy as it this type that is likely to provide the energy requirements. We note that nuclear is useful on the Earth but in an environment where time does not exist may raise an issue if this type of technology is reliant upon time. It's possible that nuclear reactions will not occur if they are outside the solar system free of Time. The spacecraft would then become very dependent upon arriving quickly at another gravity environment to be able to restart the energy source and recharge batteries or produce life-sustaining nourishment. We don't see the use of steel or aluminium as being the correct material for the vehicle and we expect the correct material will be difficult to produce and quite expensive. We do have a preferred material for the hull and have estimated that for a small vehicle the raw materials could be around about $300,000 and this does not include manufacturing into the appropriate thickness or shape. This vehicle will consume considerable amounts of time and energy by a large number of staff just like developing any new technology. The staffing will grow as the project expands drawing people and companies with knowledge and equipment related to the materials and methodologies needed. It could be expected that staffing levels will reach 100 people plus the factory and specialised equipment. This small vehicle large enough to allow 2 people to occupy may cost up to $100 million.
The time requirement to the third stage to build a vehicle from design to production without any major hiccups could be 3 to 5 years. We are quite familiar with the problem of developing new technology and realise that when someone less experienced says it should only take 6 months to do something it's best to double or even treble that time because of the difficulties encountered. Our estimate is therefore on the higher side both in cost and time for this vehicle and for the preceding development stages. However there is no guarantee we will get to this point as you will understand.
Once the vehicle is working initial trials will require it to travel short distances and then to build up to much longer distances as confidence grows. Travel outside the Earth's atmosphere will need to be planned for in the design of the vehicle, so that there are sufficient store of air and water to provide a safe return. Once these tests are completed and everyone is comfortable interplanetary travel will need to be planned. However to achieve interplanetary travel we expect a second vehicle with the appropriate energy source will need to be built. The costs and time required cannot even be guessed at presently but the value will be obvious and the cost is not the problem, rather the race may be on with others who will know something of the technology already to build a good vehicle.
We have questioned what Time is, and shown both through observation, from experimental results and logic that the only possible explanation for Time is that 'Time is a vibration that emanates from the Earth'. That Time is a result of an active noisy interior of the Earth and by extension this noise could be applied to any large celestial body with a magma core such as any other planet or a boiling mass in a sun. We have recognised that Time and Gravity are related and conjecture that Gravity is the field that is created by Time in a planet or sun, but that Time does not extend beyond this gravity field. When Time extends only as far as gravity from a sun or planet we find that the speed of light is not fixed but has an infinite range of speeds. Therefore we have shown that the light from a distant sun comes to Earth almost instantly and that the universe we observe is today's universe not one that is billions of years old. Time is seen as an infrasound wave, but we presently do not know the exact values, and this needs further research by appropriately skilled people. We do currently have more indicators of the possible values but only show here that it has 3 or possibly 4 waves that join together to make one complex wave shape. We have explained that a wave can both be a sound and a vibration and that the use of electricity is the best way to provide the hull of the proposed vehicle with the correct amount of reflective force to overcome gravity. When this knowledge is applied to a suitably designed vehicle it will be possible to travel almost instantaneously at will anywhere in the universe.